Brain and Spine Surgeries- Medical Device Market and it's Future Growth!

Effect of Population Trends on the Spine Surgery market in the U.S.
Date Published: 22 Mar 2004

By Balaji Ramamurti, Industry Analyst, Frost & Sullivan
Similar analyses were performed on spine fusion procedures during the period 1990-2000. The number of spine fusions performed has increased by 87% from about 130,000 procedures in 1990 to about 244,000 procedures in 2000. These analyses also indicated that during the early 1990s, the major contributor was the 15-44 age group. But towards the end of the 1990s, the major contribution came from the 45-64 age group. The number of spine fusions in the 65-plus age group increased by 730% from 1990 to 2000.
From the analyses presented, it was possible to derive important take home messages. The population trends indicated that the crest of the "baby boomer" population wave has passed through the 15-44 age group and was traversing the 45-64 and the 65-plus age groups. The incidence of disc herniation was higher in the 15-44 age group, leading to most discectomies also being performed on the same populati,,,,,,,,,,,,

Emerging Trends,  Technologies and Opportunities in the Markets for Orthopedic Biomaterials, Worldwide
· 226 pages  · 64 Exhibits  · 66 Company Profiles  · Report #M625  ·  Published Dec. 2006
This report is a detailed assessment of products and technologies in orthopedic biomaterials under development and on the market, including bone grafts (including allografts), bone graft substitutes, polymers, growth factors, surgical glues and sealants, anti-adhesion products, and tissue engineering products.  The report addresses the major pathologies requiring surgical intervention (e.g., trauma, degenerative diseases of hip, knee and spine, etc); the most common and most important surgical procedures, with caseload detailed globally and regionally; the range of products available and their role in the various surgical procedures; trends in surgical practice, especially as they affect product uptake; description of the range of product types and specific products in current use; discussion of product trends, including changing market expectations leading research towards new products; and discussion of the main factors driving the market, and those inhibiting growth; the regulatory environment and its evolution; market size and growth, globally and regionally (USA, Europe, Japan, RoW) for 2006; market breakdown by main product types; leading companies and their market shares; five-year market forecasts (2007-11); and company profiles of the largest and/or most important companies.

Orthopedic Biomaterials Global Market

Orthopaedic devices are a major contributor to the global medical device market, accounting for almost $26 billion in 2006, and with a growth rate that reflects growth in the medical sector overall. The table below gives a market growth projection for the five years 2007-2011.

Search about: Neuromonitoring

NeuroMonitoring Companies: Europe

Providers in Europe:
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Practice at UniversitatsSpital Zurich:

NeuroMonitoring Suppliers in Europe:
1.CPS Medical: NeuroCode AG

NeuroMonitoring Supplier in Russia:
1.Neurosoft, Medical Diagnostic Equipment
Worldwide Distribution list

IONM in New Zealand:

What are the chances of getting a job?

Opportunities to get into neurophysiology technologist jobs are very limited, as there are only 20 neurophysiology technologists employed in New Zealand.

IONM in Switzerland:
Anandic Medical Systems a local Swiz company with GE Partnership that does neuromonitoring and neonatal pediatric neuromonitoring monitoring.

Medical/Health Care: Insurance Companies and IONM Policies, in their Eyes!?

Here is what the insurance Co Anthem Blue thinks about what is medically necessary or investigational as per their policies!

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Medical Policy Manual

  • Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring, including, but not limited to the following: Somatosensory-evoked potentials, brainstem auditory-evoked potentials, visual-evoked potential, EMG, motor-evoked potentials, and EEG, when performed during spinal, intracranial, or vascular procedures, is considered medically necessary if the medical appropriateness criteria are met. (See Medical Appropriateness below.)

  • Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring for other indications is considered investigational.

  • Any device utilized for this procedure must have FDA approval specific to the indication, otherwise it will be considered investigational. See also: Visual and Auditory Evoked Potential

Beware:- Do We Need this column?

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Do Not Become victim to some New Org, association or society...! WARNING:- Be careful in signing up to some rogue organizations and memberships, You must realize that even professionals become prey for such tactics of bottom feeders, just think before you pay that fee, do we need another neuromontioring group, or organization or association bullshit?. They do not deserve to be even in the radar of scientific and medical communities, sorry!!!. I can only alert you, the rest is in your own hands, just because some one claims to have done or do the same kind of job a Professional and trained scholar can do, it means a jack shit!!!?, A doctor and a Doctarate cannot be replaced, those who claims to be doing some jobs can do something, but be careful to assess or compare it to a Doctor or Doctorate, such comparison will fail!!!. Society for Neuroscience and American Association of Anatomists are some of the most respectable and reputed scientific organizations, I dropped off my membership mainly because of their increased fees, I thought it was unjustified and unreasonable, but my respect to those two organizations will never be altered, they deserve great respect for what they do. Tthis message is not about such great associations, on the other hand it is about some rogue individuals trying to con the school students in IONM field or undergraduates who call themselves to be a neurophysioliogist??.Do not think that all the scientific or clinical organizations out there deserve the same respect like that of society for neuroscience or American association anatomists or American clinical Neurophysiologists or least they do the right things!!. Oh wait that is for those established organizations are out there already not for some rogues, but I have been seeing some internet activities of some rogue and decorated Neuromonitoring associations and societies trying to sprung up, just be careful about such org.The above message I had put up on my LinkedIN is to alert you, there are only a couple of Neuromonitoring associations established and in business already and they are good enough, we do not need every tom, dick and harry who did not even go to graduate school to start a association in the name of he or she is a tech for 10000 surgical cases, a Doctor and Doctorate cannot be replaced and there is no exception to it, so beware about rogue people starting societies and organizations and do not waste your hard earned money and resources to it...... stick to the deserved.